
Showing posts from June, 2014

Sparkle Like a Diamond !

Today we need to focus on the manner of our presentation before the general public, for which communication skills as well as vast knowledge is required. But in the acquisition of these two there come lots of obstacles. the  “Tetra C ” formula  could be helpful in fetching the required skills to cope up with this challenge. *C- Common Sense*: -  There are three major mediums i.e. Eyes, Ears and Brain through which we attain information/knowledge, now ask a question to yourself “Do I really know all the things that I SEE, LISTEN, or THINK ?” If your conscience says ‘NO’ and you realize that this certain quality should be embodied in you, you are almost on the brink of success. It enhances the capability of your imaginations and common sense which gives you the answers of numerous questions which you come across in your life. *C- Confidence*: -  Once you are ready with an idea or a thought the second hindrance “hesitation” takes place which causes you feel reluctant to take init


Peeping through clouds realizing her shy A beautiful face I saw in the sky She was glimmering As the radiance of sun My heart was throbbing As  thousand horses run A red red rose came near by A beautiful face I saw in the sky With her rosy lips and enticing eyes She fascinated me without any cries I sunk in her eyes mere divinely I fell in love with her blindly I kissed and caressed her without any try A beautiful face in the sky Oh! No! I felt shocked The face vanished Stop! Stop! Calling her I grieved… When the trees bowed down and air passed by The beautiful face I lost in the sky.