Sparkle Like a Diamond !

Today we need to focus on the manner of our presentation before the general public, for which communication skills as well as vast knowledge is required. But in the acquisition of these two there come lots of obstacles. the “Tetra C ” formula could be helpful in fetching the required skills to cope up with this challenge.
*C- Common Sense*: - There are three major mediums i.e. Eyes, Ears and Brain through which we attain information/knowledge, now ask a question to yourself “Do I really know all the things that I SEE, LISTEN, or THINK ?” If your conscience says ‘NO’ and you realize that this certain quality should be embodied in you, you are almost on the brink of success. It enhances the capability of your imaginations and common sense which gives you the answers of numerous questions which you come across in your life.
*C- Confidence*: - Once you are ready with an idea or a thought the second hindrance “hesitation” takes place which causes you feel reluctant to take initiative. To abolish hesitation you need to be bold and confident. To quote Swami VivekanandaStand up, be bold, be strong, take the whole responsibility on your shoulders, and know that you are the creator of your own destiny, all the strength and succor you want is within yourself therefore make your own future".
*C- Concentration*: - Now the implementation of your idea must be done with full concentration. Along with it you must concentrate on your weaknesses (should be abolished) & strengths (should be sharpened) as well as on your habits, to quote Mark Twain “Make it your habit to DO something every day that you don't want to do", this is the golden rule of acquiring the habit of doing your duty without pain.”
*C- Courage*: - Sometimes we are afraid of the consequences and we don't act/participate in several activities which brings us only failure. J.L Nehru rightly said “Success goes to those who dare and act, seldom goes those timid who are often afraid of consequences. ” To quote Samuel Johnson “Courage is the greatest of all virtues, because if you have no courage, you may not have an opportunity to use any of the others. ” To fetch quality into life one needs:- Positive Attitude, Emotional Intelligence, Self Confidence, Patience, and positive utilization of Time. Try this and let the positive rays of energy come from the universe to you.
DON'T BE GOLD, no doubt it’s a valuable metal but it reflects only one color representing its single quality. Be dynamic, be a versatile genius and reflect different shades of your numerous skills from as many angles as a DIAMOND posses, DON ’T BE GOLD BUT SPARKLE LIKE A DIAMOND.
Hope this article may help fresh graduates and college students to break the ice and get into the corporate with a positive vibe and confidence.
Thank You
Vivek Shrivastava


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